৪ জানুয়ারী ২০২৪, ১৮:০৭
Today representatives of CSE Brokers Forum (CBF) had a courtesy visit with the newly appointed Managing Director of Chittagong Stock Exchange PLC (CSE), Mr. Md. Shaifur Rahman Mazumdar, FCA, FCMA, at CSE’s Head Office. The representatives team led by the Sr. Vice President Mr. Md. Shamsul Islam of the Forum. They greeted the newly appointed Managing Director of CSE, Mr. Md. Shaifur Rahman Mazumdar on behalf of CSE Brokers Forum. It is noted that Mr. Md. Shaifur Rahman Mazumdar has joined Chittagong Stock Exchange PLC (CSE) for the second term as Managing Director on 1st January, 2024.
During the visit, they shared and exchanged different ideas and views on development of the Exchange. They discussed in short on Derivatives Market, Shariah Market, Commodity Exchange and other ongoing issues. Both parties assured to extend their fullest cooperation to establish the discussed issues and segments and to accelerate the capital market growth. Beside this, they also wish to be more active the CSE on the development of Capital Market.
The CSE Brokers Forum (CBF) directors Showkat Ali Talukder, Mohd. Abul Basher Bhuiyan, Nasrin Sultana Chowdhury, Tahmid Jamal and Taimur Rahman were also present with the representative team.