২০ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫, ১৮:৫৪
A discussion meeting was held in Tangail district town to take coordinated initiatives to resolve waste management, waterlogging, and traffic congestion.
The Multiparty Advocacy Forum (MAF) organized the meeting in collaboration with Democracy International on Wednesday, February 19 at the Tangail District Council auditorium. The chief guest at the meeting was Nurun Nahar Swapna, Executive Officer of the District Council. The welcome speech was delivered by Democracy International (DI) Mymensingh Zone Regional Officer Nargis Akhter. The program was presided over by Advocate Roxy Mehedi, Vice President of the Multiparty Advocacy Forum and General Secretary of the District Women's Party. The speech was moderated by KM Touhidul Islam Babu, General Secretary of the Multiparty Advocacy Forum (MAF) and Member Secretary of the District Youth Party. Mizanur Rahman, President of Businessmen's Alliance Abul Kalam Mostafa Labu, Traffic Inspector (TI) Delwar Hossain, President of Human Rights Review Society Tangail District Branch Md. Rashed Khan Menon (Russell), Inspector (OC Operation) of Sadar Police Station Victor Banerjee, General Secretary of District Sujon Torun Yusuf, Head of Political Science Department of Government Ibrahim Khan College Anik Rahman Bulbul, President of Combined Human Rights Md. Arifur Rahman, Officer of District NGO Forum Shamim Al Mamun, President and Fellow of Jatiyatabadi Mohila Dal District Branch Nilufa Yasmin Khan, Organizing Secretary Khaleda Akhter Swapna, Joint Convener and Fellow of Jatiyatabadi Jubo Dal Tangail District Branch KM Abdullah, Jubo Dal Leader and Fellow Himel Khan Bengali, among others.
At that time, representatives of different classes and professions of the district, journalists, officials of various departments, and political leaders, along with local dignitaries were present. In the discussion, citizens of 18 wards of Tangail Municipality raised various problems. Currently, the people of Tangail city are living through all the problems. Among them, three of the most important problems for citizens in terms of normal movement in the city are traffic jams, waterlogging and waste management. Due to these problems, the people of the city are constantly suffering in doing their daily work. People of all classes and professions want only one thing and that is a solution to these three problems. The authorities present provided guidance and opinions on how to coordinate between different authorities to solve the identified problems. Multiparty Advocacy Forum MAF is a multi-party voluntary platform sponsored by Democracy International. Members of this platform are working together to solve various local problems of the people through advocacy with the authorities. The event was organized under the B Space project, funded by the UK FCDO and managed by Democracy International.